Friday, March 19, 2010

Beans Don't Burn on the Grill

We will close on the house March 26th or the 29th!  We are so excited and looking forward to the move.  I have been Alan a hard time calling him a "slave driver".  Every night this week, he has had us sorting through stuff.  I really think if it was up to him, we would have everything packed!  He is also calling it our "Party Mansion".  There is an episode of It's Always Sunny where they talk about their party mansion...

My co-workers are just has excited has I am.  Everyday I keep saying "Know what? I'M MOVING!!!"!!  I also started singing "Movin' Movin" to the tune of Raw Hide and "Movin on up" from the Jeffersons...

Well we're movin on up,
To the east side.
To a deluxe apartment in the sky.

Movin on up,
To the east side.
We finally got a piece of the pie.

Fish don't fry in the kitchen;
Beans don't burn on the grill.
Took a whole lotta tryin',
Just to get up that hill.
Now we're up in the big leagues,
Gettin' our turn at bat.
As long as we live, it's you and me baby,
There ain't nothin wrong with that.

Well we're movin on up,
To the east side.
To a deluxe apartment in the sky.
Movin on up,
To the east side.
We finally got a piece of the pie.

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