Monday, August 10, 2009

Wrapped in Her Love

My Grandma loved to sew. When I was a kid, most of my clothes were made by her! She loved all kinds of sewing, but I think she loved to crochet most of all. She was so talented. She would enter her afghans in the county fair and not only would win First Place, but also Best in Show! For my Sweet 16, she crocheted me a hunter green afghan. I loved to wrap up in it on a cold winter day. It followed me to my days at WBC--everyone knew to be careful with it! On cold days, rotten days and homesick days--I would wrap up and feel safe, comforted, loved and warm. Just like I felt when I was with my Grandma.

A few weeks after my Grandma passed, my family and I gathered on a rainy Saturday to through her things that had been in storage. My Aunt Janie suggested that we start with the dresser and go from there. She pulled open the first drawer and stopped. She looked at me and said, "Mother told me to make sure you got this for when you had your baby." She pulled out a pink baby afghan. Tears welled in my eyes. All I could do was place it is a plastic sack to protect it from the rain. That is where it sat till today. I want to share what it looks like with you.

The picture doesn't do it justice.

What no one else knew (other than my Mom and Alan) is that Grandma had already given Mom two afghans to keep for me and my Brother. I remember her telling us that she was giving them to us now just in case she was not here when our babies came. I do not know if she forgot or she had the same feeling that I do. For the last year, I have felt that Alan and I are going to be blessed with twins. Call it wishful thinking. Call it dreaming. Call it whatever.

Regardless of what we are blessed with, I love knowing that my baby(ies) is going to know the love of their Great-Grandma and what it feels like to be wrapped in her love.

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