Friday, December 08, 2006

Christmas Party!

We had a good time at my office Christmas Party. It was at Mallard's (which is outside Forrest City). I didn't really know what to expect since it was my first one to attend. We ate, had dessert and openned presents. I was very fortunate to receive a Christmas bonus. God really knew how much we needed it. One neat thing they do is have a Santa bag full of "grab bags". Everyone takes turns getting one out...they were things like lotion, Christmas paper, bath stuff, etc--but in each thing there was cash!! We each got five bags and I ended up with twenty four bucks! It is so nice to work for people who appreciate you and want to get to you know you and your family. Everyone hugged each other and thanked one another. So very different than where I worked at before. Let me explain the bows on heads pictures...The ladies at work and I decided that we would draw names and exchange gifts. I got Mary Ann's name and on her gift I put a big red bow on it. I told her that at my house, when we got bows like that on gifts, we would have to put the bow on. I was surprised that she did it and decided that she looked so cute that I had to take a picture!!! Monique had to join in and I insisted on getting a picture of her! We had a really good time and I feel lucky to work with and for the people I do!

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