Friday, December 08, 2006

Trying to Get Back to Normal.

This week has been really hard. The first two days, I spent it crying. The rest of it, I've gotten better and only get weepy once in a while. We have started talking about "next time" and are making plans. It is all too raw to really muddle through. Anyhow, I thought I would include a picture of the flowers Bubba sent me. One thing I forgot...Tuesday when I went back to work, I was really afraid of how people would handle me and our situation. Everyone was so nice and just hugged me. At the end of the day, one of my bosses (Dr. Gore) was kinda hanging around like she wanted to say something, so I went into the lab and she followed. She came in and said that she didn't know till later that morning and just didn't know what to say and they she couldn't say anything till then because she had been crying. I in turn started crying and she just hugged me. How many bosses would do that? It's making me cry just thinking about it...

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