Friday, August 24, 2007

Whoo-Hoo! I'm all Clear!!

First things first! MY TUBE IS CLEAR! Words cannot express how relieved we are! We had to leave FC by 6 A.M. Got to Jonesboro by 7:30 A.M. We had to check in--the highlight of this part is that the test ended up being about half of what they told me in the beginning! After that, a pink lady escorted us the the Radiology Department. After about a 15 minute wait, I was called back. Once I was changed, they took one x-ray of my pelvis. Like any other doc, Dr. D as running a little late. The whole time that I was waiting, I was praying so hard. Dr. D came in and put me right at ease. He knew who I was and told me what was going to happen. I then had to assume the position. I'll spare some of the details...He did have a hard time getting my cervix to cooperate (he said it was being shy)...finally after a little work, the catheter was in. I scooted back and then they called in the Radiologist. Once he was in position. Dr. D injected the radioactive dye. I had a little cramping, but not as much as I expected. Then I heard them say something about the right side being closed (makes sense, I don't have a right ovary). Then some of the sweetest words I have ever heard--THE LEFT IS OPEN!!!! After changing position a few times, the test was over. Dr. D removed the catheter, helped me up and I said "Well?". He said that everything looked great and was where it needed to be. The fluid flowed quickly and smoothly right through my tube. I told him that I could kiss him--he just laughed! He said to call Angela on Monday and we would go from there. When the nurse that helped out walked me back out, she said that now is the best time to try and get knocked up! This test kinda cleans out the cobwebs. Our plan is now to move on to "Operation Get Knocked Up! Phase 2!" Hopefully, our next cycle, we will be doing injections!! Please continue to pray for us and keep us in your thoughts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm really glad that I found your page. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for over a year and a half. So far, all of the tests that we've both had point toward us being able to get pregnant...but now comes the hard (and scary) part. I'm going this Wednesday (two days from now) to have an HSG done and am completely freaking out! I guess that maybe I'm expecting this horrible, blinding pain lol. My husband is being very wonderful and supportive thru all of this, but is also making fun of me...asking how in the world I think I'll be able to make it thru childbirth when I'm so nervous and upset over a simple test.

Reading your blog helped me to realize that maybe it WON'T be so horrible and it really did ease my mind. It's so easy to forget that I'm not the only person that's ever had to go thru this. Thanks for the reminder :) and may God Bless you!