Saturday, November 18, 2006

Happy Anniversary!

Yesterday was our 5 year anniversary! 5 years--it seems like was just yesterday that I was walking down that aisle towards Alan. Our day didn't go as I had hoped. I woke up with a horrible headache that quickly turned into a migraine. I got ready for work and went--I was only there for about 20 minutes before I had to call Alan and have him pick me up. I came home and slept till lunch. I felt better but the headache was still there. Alan came home to check on me and came in with a vase of beautiful flowers!

When he got home from work we decided to go and on and exchange gifts (this close to Christmas, we limit our gifts to about $20). He got me a spa manicure. I was really impressed because I would have never thought about one for myself. I found these key to my heart key chains. Alan's is a key with his name and our wedding date engraved. Mine is a heart with my name and wedding date engraved. I didn't know if he would like them (maybe too girly) but he loved it!

After we we got back from doing our weekly shopping, we just hung out and relaxed. Every year it is a tradition to get our champagne glasses out that we used at our wedding. This year we just had sparkling grape juice since we are trying to get pregnant!

Today we went to Memphis to out to eat and just relax. We know that being relaxed and not stressed will really help this whole IUI thing. It really helped. The two of us just hung out and did a little shopping. I think we both had a good day!

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