Monday, November 13, 2006

Way to Go Big Al!

He did it! Big Al (nickname I have affectionately called Alan for years now--he hates it, but now I think it has grown on him--though he would never admit it!) barely hesitated last night when he gave me the shot! I'm really proud of him. My only complaint is I told him to tell me when he was going to do it--he said I'm going to do it--then had to count to three. I knew on three he was going to do it and I kinda tensed up. Didn't really hurt--just kinda stung.

So far the side effects from the Gonal-f hasn't been too bad. Emotional and little weepy. I did have a REALLY bad migraine on Saturday. I don't know if it was from the meds or what. I think the meds added to it. It got to the point where I thought I was going to have to go the ER. Thankfully all the pain meds I took finally kicked in!

Thursday we go to the doc for an u/s. I'm really nervous, but I'm ready to see if this stuff is working. I'm feeling something going on around my ovary. It's not pain--it just feels like there is something going on. Kinda hard to explain. I don't think I'm trying to overstimulate...I'm assuming I would have some pain with that? I guess I will find on on Thursday!

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